Thursday, September 22, 2016

Lesson 9- Making Selections

Lesson 9 showed how to make selections with a variety of tools, and how to use selections to edit your piece more precisely.
Personally, I used it for space. Space is pretty cool sometimes.



Sunday, September 18, 2016

Lesson 8- Balancing Colors

Lesson 8 was almost a continuation of 7, going into deeper detail of how color balance, vibrance, and saturation work. The vibrance feature is quite lovely, so far it's my preferred adjustment.

Anyways, here's an image I took at the color run that I choose to use.



Lesson 7- Brightness and Contrast

This lesson covered the different ways to change the color, or luminance of an image. The auto functions work rather well, though it is nice to be able to adjust the image to my liking. As a note though, color is really subjective. There were instances when his finished product looked worse than the one two or three adjustments before. It's really all up to personal preferences.

But anyways, here is the before and afters for an image I took that I adjusted with the auto-color option.



Friday, September 16, 2016

Lesson 6- Saving Synopsis

Lesson 6 was over the various formats one could save in, which will come in handy later on. Knowing what preferences and settings to use with different file types will save me from messing up an important project later.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Lesson 1,2&3- The very out of order synopsis

(Hopefully, after this, I'll actually go in order. We'll see what happens)

Lesson 1- This lesson covered probably the most basic, but the most important aspect of Photoshop: opening a photo. For me, opening a photo straight from my computer generally works, but it's good to know how to open an image from my browser or cross platform should that ever change.

Lesson 2- Lesson 2 covered the basics of moving around in Photoshop. How to scroll, how to zoom, how to adjust preferences, how to change the view, and so forth. Very important should one wish to edit an image effectively.

Lesson 3- This lesson went over the building blocks over digital imagery: pixels, resolution, and image size. Understanding how these three objects/principles work will allow one to better export, import, and create images.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Lesson 4- Cropping

(I know I'm doing these slightly out of order, synopsis on 1-3 coming soon)

So, here's the image I started out with. It's one I took during the Freshmen visit to the bombing memorial. 

My original plan was to just move the picture over and brush over the dark areas with black, but I really didn't like the girl (circled in red) there. So, I decided to try out the "Miracle Fill" option the guy in the video kept mentioning.

I completely agree with him on the miracle part. So all that was left to do was crop the image, sharpen, and fill in some black areas. I quite like the finished result.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Lesson 5- Introducing Layers Project

I don't really know why I decided to go with a tutu fairy. Maybe the theme of "magical creatures", courtesy of the pegasus from the video, rubbed off on me.

Monday, September 5, 2016