Saturday, December 10, 2016

Project 5

Just in time for Christmas! (I love my stupid penguin children)

Monday, November 14, 2016

Project 4

This Project was to create a postcard from a video-game. I had to draw one character (Diglett), make the text, and one other element (Poke-ball stamp). I think it turned out quite cute.

Lesson 15: Making Screen Graphics

The final lesson covered how to create and save graphic for different types of media. This includes saving for phone, screen, web, print, everything a designer would ever really need. I used all these chapters to create several fake logos for a friend of mine in the business department.

Lessons 12, 13 & 14: Curvature & Pen Tools and Rounded Corners

I feel kinda bad for combining all these, but I used all these tools when making my charcters for our first Illustrator project (that should be posted above). Anyways:

Lesson 12: This showed how to use the curvature tool to crate organic smooth edges. This tool is done one anchor point at a time, so it is a bit tedious, but it is also useful.

Lesson 13: The Pen tool was the focus of this lesson. As far as I've used it, this a much more computer-controlled version of the pencil tool, allowing one to place and modify anchor points or work one strand at a time. You can make sharp or smooth transitions and straight or curved edges and lines.

Lesson 14: This lesson covered all the various ways and styles one could use to make rounded corners in an image. I don't know for sure, but an entire chapter on rounded corners seems a bit... well, much to me.

Well, I used all of these chapters, plus previous, to make my little character for our project. Pokemon!

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Lesson 11: Painting and Erasing

This lesson cover one of the most important tools in Illustrator: the paint tool. It showed how to color, erase, manipulate paths and change colors to create images. I did a quick painting of the crane from earlier, nothing too fancy though.

Lesson 9 & 10: Building Custom Paths and The Pencil Tool

The next few lessons can be grouped together rather easily, so I apologize. These two lessons covered the pencil tool: how to draw, manipulate, and create custom path and shapes. I used it to create the outline for a simple crane, which will probably be painted later on.

Lesson 7 & 8: Strokes and Creating Text

Lesson 7 covered how to use and manipulate stokes in order to make arrowheads, dots, and frames. This allows for 3D effects and shadows.
Lesson 8 covered how to create, find, and manipulate text. This can be combined with the text in order to create special characters.

I used both of these in order to create this poster of a show later this year (y'all should come see it).